Thursday, March 18, 2010

I'm questioning my freshness

So last week I did a post about army style and how to do it right.  It's not that I think the look is irrelevant a week later, because I don't, but I feel like it's almost approaching overdone as it's getting going.  Normal people I'm sure are not feeling this yet, but I live and breath the industry and it already it's approaching expiry.  I check the industry websites and news feeds, fashion blogger and photographer sites and watch the magazines, streets and industry advertizing every day.  I'm seeing it everywhere.

Kind of like this I just saw today at Garance's blog. 

I's a pretty fresh take on the green army jacket.  Mine isn't this fresh or (highly likely) as expensive.  But....I'm just not feeling it.  I feel like such a tool all of a sudden wearing mine.  It was pretty fresh too....I got it from Urban Outfitters in February.  It just doesnt feel fresh right now.  And I only do fresh.

What's next?  I feel like I'm having an identity issue right now.  I have to go to TO tomorrow (yay eye surgeon appointment....not) so I'll be on the lookout for a new spring/summer topper.  I'm really feeling something Swedish......Swedish design is beyond fresh, but Acne might be slightly out of my price range right now.

I'll keep you posted on what I determine to be the freshest fresh.




All white for the win

Some things I like only in colour.  

However, I've had this little fantasy going about having a house in which absolutely everything visible is white.  Not my clothes or the people it in or nothin', but all the walls, furniture etc.  How chill would that be?  It'd also make it a giant no brainer to design.

I want everything to be white, except this huge fuck off painting in the middle of the living room:

Some ridiculous art fag paid a bazillion dollars for that fuckery.  If I had a bazillion dollars I'd be that art fag buying ridiculous shit.  Until then I'll just get a massive canvas and some spray paint at an art store and make this shit up.  It says "Holy Shit" btw if your ass is feeling dyslexic looking at this fuckery. 

I have more taste than I know what to do with it, so I push it on you special people.

Shoe porn (?)

So these are shoes from Miu Miu S/S 2010.  The fashion blogosphere is going fucking insane over these (probably on par with the clog fuckery).  I'm not even going to link.  If you care google it.  Freekin' Alexa Chung wore them too. I blame her for this fuckery like I blame her for the clog fuckery.  I love Alexa as much as the next girl, but bitch needs some better shoes taste me thinks.  

Are you feeling it?  I'm not so much feeling it.  The shape and pattern looks really......90s.....but dare I say not in the good way.  I'm pretty sure when I was 12 I had a pair of mary janes in the same silhouette and a tacky printed top a pattern along the fuggery that are these shoes.  So my tacky 12 year old self combines to Miu Miu Spring/Summer 2010.  Swell.  Just swell.

With so any other fabulous shoes in the world why choose these?


Wednesday, March 17, 2010


You know why I love the internet?  

It never fails to provide me with bizarre content.  So there's this woman in Denmark who dresses her baby up as dictators and takes photographs.  She's got some sort of artistic/academic justification, but I don't really care.  If you care you can seek to undertand dictator babies here.

On to the important shit.  

Behold dictator babies:

You really want a close up of baby Hitler, don't you?

Yeah, me too.  Baby Hitler is like "did I do all that evil?"  Cute, eh?


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My mother at three

Her in Vienna where her family escaped to during the Hungarian Uprising in '56. They were on the last train out before the borders were sealed. Her and her parents lived in refugee camps along with 200,000 others while they applied to emigrate to the West. Canada let in a lot of refugees from that fuckery with the Commies.
All the first gens I know came here in '56-'58 as they got the paperwork to get out of the refugee camps.  They, like Mom, lived downtown. There used to be a lot of Hungarian restaurants and delis. The last Hungarian deli, Elisabeth, was still open when I was younger and I remember it fondly. Country Style Hungarian Restaurant on Bloor is still there. That place is the king shit for old school Hungarian food and is pure nostalgia to me.  I haven't been there in a while.  I think I'll go next time I'm in TO.
The second gens assimilated, spoke accentless English and went to university.  They weren't so keen on carrying on the delis, bakeries and restaurants so they closed as their parents retired. In some ways its too bad really.  Now my Mom and I go to the Russian stores in the North of TO to find the stuff you used to be able to get at the Hungarian places.  It's pretty cool because you can find stuff from all over the former USSR even though it split a while ago now. 

How to wear a leather mini without looking like a hooker

So I have this really short black leather mini.

I mean.


Ok.  I digress. 

Knock knock.  Who the fuck banging at my door?  Is it abstract commercial or hardcore?

Where was I? 


Black leather mini.

The other day I was going through my closet in preparation for the change in season.  I bemoan nothing about the end of winter except that I consider(ed) it a season in which one does not sport leather so much.  The reason for this, Dear Readers, should be quite obvious.  However, a brain wave hit me like a ton of bricks this morning.  My google reader directed me over to a new post at  Columbine Smille's blog.  She posted a pic of herself in a black leather mini with a fresh, loose white top.  THAT IS SUCH A FRESH IDEA.  Why didn't I think of that?  I always considered leather something you wear with dark heavy knits or other winter garb.  You can totally take a black leather mini to summer by doin it rite like Columbine:


Although Columbine is doin it rite, it's a hard garment to wear without looking like a cheap hooker.  Exspensive hookers don't wear leather minis, at least not to work.

Firstly, consider that you have leather tightly wrapped around your ass.  Keep your top loose.  What Columbine is doing, a light knit, works for this time of year.  A cotton oxford in a size or two up from what actually fits you is super chill too.  You can get these oversized shirts cut for women.  If you're on a budget, and your BF/brother or Dad are not insanely bigger than yourself, borrow one from them.  Leave the top two or three buttons undone AND FOR GOD'S SAKE ROLL YOUR SLEEVES for a chic sexy look, but keep it classy Dear Readers.  Knock yourself out with colour as long as you stay out of hooker territory by keeping everything subdued (various shades of nudes or dust colours are particularly relevant).  I'll be doing this with an off white or nude/peach shirt.  Hell, you could even do a slightlty oversized and worn light jean shirt.  There are options dahlings.  I strongly suggest you consider your age and size when leafing through these options.

If it's not lined seriously consider wearing tights under it.  One, to not show too much skin HOBAG.  Secondly, because it will stick to your ass if you dont.  Trust this bitch knows what she's talkin' 'bout.

I tend to steer clear of vintage because I hate the old stuff smell.  Also, my schedule does not permit the time to dig through piles of crap to find something that needs tailoring.  HOWEVER, you can find real leather skirts at reputable vintage emporiums.  The benefit of vintage is that you can find a good enough quality leather skirt that is both real and lined and no longer at its original price point.  The old photos of my mother's friends - you know who you bitches are! - tell me these were pretty fierce in the 80s and early 90s, which is a spot on silhouette for this season.

With few exceptions this is very difficult to do with heels.  Take a cue from Columbine and keep the heel, if any, low.

Like your footwear, keep any accessories, makeup and hair simple.  Your ass wrapped in leather is enough adornment for one time. 

Now knock yourself out bitches.  Don't blame me you end up looking like a hooker.  I prepared you for success.




Erin philosophy

So I was thinking
My cynical self
Thinks all relationships fail
So if you don't call it one
It can't fail
Think about it


Knock knock who the fuck is banging at my door?

Is it abstract commercial or hardcore?


Florence and the Machine FRESH

My inner fan grrl goes FUCKING CRAY-ZAY for Florence and the Machine.  I actually own a 3D version of her CD.  I mean the thing with the case and disk.  I bought it in the airport in London before you could (legally) get it here.  I loved her before anyone on this side of the pond knew about her.  Yeah, I'm cool like that.  You can check out her Youtube Channel for more of her.

She's also crazy hot.  I always had a major hate on for gingers (with the exception of Prince Harry) until her.  Check it:

I could write a dissertation on this woman, but I'll have to save it or I'll be late for class.  How much I love her:  I paid 89USD for each for two tickets to see her concert in TO 10 April from ebay.  Yeah, over 4x the original sold out price.
Now that's devotion.  And it'll be worth it too.
Anyways.....she released a new vid last week for Dog Days are Over.  She's had a video for it for a long time, but she says she had to remake it when she could finally afford a non-ghetto vid.

While I actually like her original vid, I can see why she thought it needed a do over.  When I first watched the new one I was like "what in the fuckery hell is this?"  Then I realised its FRESH.  So FRESH.  I don't so much dig her fro, and there is a lot going on, but DAMN YO SO FRESH.

The original was kind of....hood.  And not in the good way per say.  I really like the tribal thing going on in this new version.  Especially the dancing drummers and the part where she runs with the flag in a caveman getup.  Hot.  It is really beyond the sphere of this blog post (exactly what I say in essays, except "beyond the sphere of this essay..." when I want to brush over why I didn't address something that's probably important because I'm lazy or late).  I digress.  Where was I?  Oh yeah....umm....I really don't have time to analyze it.  I don't even think it really needs analysis anyways.  

Now my inner fan grrl needs to chill out and go to school.  Ya know.  That "finishing school" thing is somewhat important on my list of things to do.

I'll have more fuckery for your enjoyment up later.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Grown ass bitches

If you read my post on grown-ass women you'd know what I got respect fo'.  There comes a time in every person's life when its time to present themselves like an adult.  There are two style philosophies I hate more than anything.  Firstly, it rubs me the wrong way when people think they have to compromise their "personal style" when they reach adulthood, so they dress like a teenager their whole lives.  The second thing I hate is when people think they have to get boring when they become an adult.  You can, and very well should, express yourself while displaying maturity.

Here's some ideas for what to wear to work or when you want to look fierce without looking boring or like a foo'. 

Here's some ideas for what to wear to work or when you want to look fierce without looking boring or like a foo'.  



I have no particular aversion to killing for fashion

 Bring it bitches.

All above via Vanessa Jackman

It's almost warm enough for fur to be off my radar, but not quite.


Not super fresh, but pretty fresh

The side braid.  It's taken sooo long to grow my hair out I cannot wait till I can rawk this.  All I need is a summer job at Urban Outfitters and I can officially get posted like all the other assholes to Look At This Fucking Hipster.

I realised when I was done posting this that they're all gingers.  Fuckin' gingers.


Even I had to practice for a while before I got it right



The fan grrl in me just went fucking CRA-ZAY.  I've been pouring over Vogue since I (I already inundated my corner of the internet, and those in it, with what this propensity for ladymags did to my psyche ).  Because of this I have a particular nostalgia for 90s models/anything 90s, even if the tacky part of the 90s still makes me wince when I think about it.  Guess who I spotted over at Vanessa Jackman's blog?

None other than RIE fucking RASMUSSEN!!!!!!111!!!!11!!!

I havnt seen the Danish model/artist/director/photographer/writer around in toooooo long.

Ok......bear with me.....I'm hyperventilating....

Bitch is still. so. fierce.

She was the face of Gucci back in the day when Tom Ford was still Head Bitch in Charge.  Just sayin'.


Your morning shoe porn

How much did these just make you really, really hot? 

A lot, I know.  Me too.



The jacket, the shoes, the dude

How much do you want to wear this jacket...

with these shoes...

with your arm around this guy?

A lot, I know.  Me too.


Man swagga'

Kind of like the Acne winter coats I just posted I don't like posting "out of season" looks i.e. knits and scarves etc. when light, airy and SUMMER are on my mind.

However.....these BEG to be posted.  There is nothing I love more in life (next to good shoes, handbags and jewelry) than a man with swagga'.  These photographs were taken at a meeting in New York of a bunch of guys talking about design.  They all have such different style and seem to put thought into how they present themselves, yet it looks so natural.  How much do you want to be friends with these dudes? 


P.s. Yeah, I'm taking a bit of a break from the long editorial stuff I was doing this weekend.  Those posts are actually quite time consuming and apparently essays continue to not write themselves.

Winter is so not on my mind, but...

Fashion house extraordinaire Acne released the lookbook for their FW 2010 line, as the fashion work does six months in advance of the seasons.  Scandinavian fashion, especially Swedish, is insanely fresh.

I'd wear this jacket....

with these boots, dark skinny jeans tucked in and a loose white t shirt with a breast pocket...

or that with this jacket....

or this one. 

Oh.  And some 'tude.    
Kind of like what Burburry send down their catwalk, but less instantly recognizable and less people will have it.  Equally out of my price point?  Oh, probably.  So is life.

You really need to see very large images from this lookbook to appreciate the design.  Check it over at Vanillascented

Everyone needs a character like this in their life
